The General Court of the European Union has ruled, in two judgments, on the legality of the fisheries and agricultural agreements between the EU and Morocco that include Western Sahara. It has ruled in favour of the Polisario Front, considering them illegal for not having properly consulted the Saharawi population. The Luxembourg-based court leaves a …

A Spanish family can save an average of 1,073 euros a year in the shopping basket, 10.5% higher than 2020, depending on the establishment where you buy, according to a study by the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) on the cost of the shopping basket. The Alcampo hypermarket in Murcia is the cheapest establishment …

The Ministry of Agriculture of the Government of the Canary Islands is aware that, at least, There is an agricultural area that has no access to water for irrigation by the lava flow from the volcano of La Palma and in other areas, There are three damaged pipes. Aristides Medina, President of the community of …

“Do you know how many women writers have a statue in the Retiro? None. All the statues in the Retiro dedicated to women are goddesses or, directly, anonymous, like the Seated Woman. However, we can find Góngora, Jacinto Benavente or Benito Pérez Galdós”. This was the title of the initiative launched last Sunday by Más …

This infrared image of the lava rivers making their way through the west of the island of La Palma was taken from NASA’s Landsat 8 satellite with its OLI (Operational Land Imager) camera a few days ago, before the lava reached the sea off the coast of Tazacorte. After Cumbre Vieja opened up and began …

The former secretary general and the former senior lawyer of the Parliament, Xavier Muro and Joan Ridao, have explained Wednesday to the judge that the motions on self-determination and the reprobation of the monarchy for which the former president of the House Roger Torrent is investigated were mere “political proclamations” that, in his opinion, did …

A Barcelona court has recognized as an occupational disease the coronavirus infection of a worker in a nursing home. According to the Col-lectiu Ronda, which represents the employee, this is the first ruling that admits the occupational origin of COVID-19 in nursing homes. The magistrate of the social court 3 of Barcelona upheld the lawsuit …

El presidente tunecino, Kais Said, ha nombrado este miércoles como primera ministra a Najla Bouden Romdhane, una alta funcionaria del Departamento de Educación Superior e Investigación Científica, que se convierte en la primera mujer en ocupar este cargo -vacante desde hacía dos meses- en la historia del país. En un escueto comunicado de la Presidencia, …

The Greens and the German Freedom Party (FDP) have opened their contacts with a view to a possible coalition government, presumably led by the Social Democrat Olaf Scholz, although the conservative Armin Laschet has not withdrawn his aspiration to be chancellor. What now: questions and answers on the German elections? Read more The two co-presidents …

The perception of male violence that young men and women (15-29 years old) have of young men and women has grown unequally in recent years. While girls increasingly consider this violence to be a very serious social problem -72.4% in 2017 and 74.2% in 2021-, the percentage of boys who agree with this statement has …